Innovative promotions that work : a quick guide to the essentials of effective design /
Cyr, Lisa.
Innovative promotions that work : a quick guide to the essentials of effective design / Lisa L. Cyr. - 0 - USA ROCKPORT 2006
Commercial art --History--United States--21st century--Case studies.
Graphic arts--History--United States--21st century--Case studies.
Sales promotion--Case studies.
R 741.60688 CYR
Innovative promotions that work : a quick guide to the essentials of effective design / Lisa L. Cyr. - 0 - USA ROCKPORT 2006
Commercial art --History--United States--21st century--Case studies.
Graphic arts--History--United States--21st century--Case studies.
Sales promotion--Case studies.
R 741.60688 CYR