TY - BOOK AU - OOI JUU YENN AU - Ooi Juu Yenn TI - Coincidental Love PY - 2017///] CY - Pulau Pinang, Malaysia PB - Y3S1 Broadcasting Production KW - Han Chiang College KW - Videorecording KW - Motion Picture N1 - Han Chiang College student project; APA citation style : Ooi Juu Yenn (2017). Coincidental Love . Pulau Pinang, Malaysia : Y3S1 Broadcasting Production ; Han Chiang College N2 - A Candy commercial that brings out a story about a girl who gets mesmerised by a boy very easily. She gets hyped and her hair miraculously flies up in exaggeration whenever he smiles and makes a unique sound with his tounge hitting the roof of his mouth. This commercial also shows audience the benefits of the candy which are to relieve bad breath, whitens the teeth and boost up your confidence UR - https://moodle.hcuc.com.my/mod/url/view.php?id=28847 ER -