TY - BOOK TI - Penal Code Section 309 PY - 2017///] CY - Pulau Pinang, Malaysia PB - 324 Production Team KW - Han Chiang College KW - Videorecording KW - Motion Picture N1 - Han Chiang College student project; APA citation style : (2017). Penal Code Section 309. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia : 324 Production Team ; Han Chiang College N2 - Section 309 of the Penal Code states that "Whoever attempts to commit suicide, and does any act towards the commission of such offense, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with both" UR - https://moodle.hcuc.com.my/mod/url/view.php?id=28817 ER -