TY - BOOK AU - Lim Sing Yee TI - Guardian spirits PY - 2015/// CY - Pulau Pinang, Malaysia PB - Non-Fiction TV Production, KW - Han Chiang College KW - Student Project KW - Video recording KW - Motion picture KW - Documentary N1 - Han Chiang College student project; APA citation style : Lim Sing Yee. (2015). Guardian spirits. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia : Non-Fiction TV Production ; Han Chiang College N2 - This Human Story Documentary is about a Muslim aunty feeds over 700 hundred stray dogs alone, since her husband passed away in this past March and what are the difficulties faced UR - https://moodle.hcuc.com.my/mod/url/view.php?id=28785 ER -